All Gerard Bilders 's Paintings
The Painting Names Are Sorted From A to Z

Choice ID Image  Paintings (From A to Z)       Details 
80639 Cows at a pond  Cows at a pond   Koeien bij een plas.jpg Cows at a pond. oil on panel. 27.5 cm x 43.3 cm cjr
84838 Cows at a pond  Cows at a pond   oil on panel. 27.5 cm x 43.3 cm cyf
84839 Cows at a pond  Cows at a pond   oil on panel. 27 cm x 35 cm cyf
80354 Cows in the meadow  Cows in the meadow   Cows in the meadow. oil on canvas. 47 cm x 70 cm cjr
84619 Cows in the meadow  Cows in the meadow   oil on canvas. 47 cm x 70 cm Date 1861(1861) cyf
80632 Goat shepherdess  Goat shepherdess   Goat shepherdess. oil on canvas. 61.5 cm x 53 cm Date 1864(1864) cjr
84835 Goat shepherdess  Goat shepherdess   oil on canvas. 61.5 cm x 53 cm Date 1864(1864) cyf
84834 Jacob van Ruisdael  Jacob van Ruisdael   oil on canvas. 86.5 cm x 61.5 cm Date 1864(1864) cyf
80630 Jacob van Ruisdael, sketching a watermill  Jacob van Ruisdael, sketching a watermill   Jacob van Ruisdael, sketching a watermill. oil on canvas. 86.5 cm x 61.5 cm Date 1864(1864) cjr
80642 Koeien bij een plas  Koeien bij een plas   Cows at a pond. oil on panel. 27 cm x 35 cm cjr
80356 Meadow near Oosterbeek  Meadow near Oosterbeek   Meadow near Oosterbeek. oil on canvas. 39 cm x 55 cm Date 1860(1860) cjr
84621 Meadow near Oosterbeek  Meadow near Oosterbeek   oil on canvas. 39 cm x 55 cm Date 1860(1860) cyf
80628 Swiss landscape  Swiss landscape   Swiss landscape. oil on panel. 24.5 cm x 34 cm Date 1860 cjr
84836 Woodland pond at sunset  Woodland pond at sunset   oil on panel. 22 cm x 35 cm Date 1862(1862) cyf
80635 Woodland pond at sunset.  Woodland pond at sunset.   Bosvijver bij zonsondergang.jpg Woodland pond at sunset. oil on panel. 22 cm x 35 cm Date 1862 cjr
84833 Zwitsers landschap  Zwitsers landschap   oil on panel. 24.5 cm x 34 cm Date 1860(1860) cyf

Gerard Bilders
painted Cows in the meadow in 1861

China Oil Painting Studio Team